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Why Shop on
Nikot Bazar

Online shop in Bangladesh

Nikot Bazar is the most popular online shop in Bangladesh. We provide high quality products at a reasonable price to the customers of Nikot Simultaneously we always check product quality & verify product price in the market before displaying them in front of our customers. The vast range of our products includes apparels, ornaments, watches, cosmetics, perfumes, shoes & sandals, mobile phones, electronics, household appliances, kitchen appliances, gadgets, computer & computer accessories, laptops, foods & beverages, sports items & musical instruments, home decoration products.

Why Shop On Nikot Bazar ?

  •    Most convenient shopping experience
  •    Best customer service experience
  •    Best & authentic products in Bangladesh
  •    Best prices
  •    All Products are returnable

Best Prices

  •    You will be guaranteed the best price
  •    Our prices are unbeatable both online and in your local market

Convenient Shopping

  • Unhindered 24/7 access our sales channel
  •    Shop anytime, anywhere, anything
  •    Hassle and risk free with flexible payment methods
  •    Home delivery all around Bangladesh with Flexible payment


Best Service

  • We ensure electronics products with warranty only
  •    We offer a 2 days free return period for products purchased
  •    We have best customer experience center who are ready to help you at all the time


  •    You are assured of only brand new products with warranty
  •    All products will be checked thoroughly by our Quality control team before we deliver to you